Sunday, February 6, 2022



My sweet friends and family, the founding members of #TeamEnzo are the most special people in the world.   And I mean world.  They are my global family… we met because of cancer, and then we became family.  The forever kind of family that very few are as blessed as I am to have.    Online we often refer  ourselves as yellow 💛 family because we were united by our yellow 💛 wristbands.  Shu, my sweet sister of the heart created a dream team of the kindest souls ever.  I am so grateful for this love. 💛

Thank you for supporting Team Enzo!  Your support is so gratefully appreciated.    It will be such a huge help as Enzo and I begin our new life together as a service dog team.  We are overwhelmed and touched, and so incredibly blessed to have Shu and her dream team who made this all possible and to YOU for supporting to Team Enzo!  I am so excited to share this beautiful news letter that Shu created especially for our Team Enzo supporters!   I am including both formats, one for large screen and another for phone screen as I am in awe of Shu’s talents. 

With Love and Gratitude , 

Kath & Enzo 

Shu, this newsletter is awesome and tells his story much better than I ever could!! THANK YOU!

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