It is official. Covid fatigue has set in. Exhaustion from being stuck in this physical body has set in. This has been a year of blessings and heartache, and constant sucker punches for family, friends, our community and the world. The lyrics in the Bon Jovi song say it best... "When you can't do what you do, you do what you can." My physical health has been in decline mode for 18 months now. I can barely use my hands and arms some days, new arm/hand braces have been molded and we are waiting on delivery. My cervical spine needs neurosurgery and not going to happen with my surgical history so it is now braced. Pain all day every day has been my normal for so long. I was excited to be able to to take my Segway to my TEAMNANNY events this year, And then Covid hit.
Because of the Novel Coronavirus we are unable to go to schools and community centers with our annual mobility awarenss projects due to the pandemic. Our team began making masks for our community and masks and headbands for frontline workers. We have donated over 500 masks & bands to the communiy and raised over $1,500.00 for the 2020 Terry Fox Run. ❤️
All our masks are three ply, two layers of tightly woven quilting cotton and a sewn in layer of polypropylene. All are reversible with nose piece and choice of colored elastic, and/or elastic adjusters. Because of the polypropylene the virus cannot pass through, which brings some comfort that we are helping to keep the community safe. Each is custom made to fit...and the community has come together to help in the project. I don't think when we started this that any of us had an inkling that it would grow to be such a huge project. But we are doing what we can. We are helping where there is a need and the support of the TEAMNANY community has been outstanding!!! You can find out mask project on Facebook, on my personal page and on the official TEAMNANNY community page. Thank you to all who have donated, and helped!
Your support is greatly appreciated!
I know this struggle to keep moving forward is made easier by our team, and community. I have no legs and a body that is not compatible than my mind. I say yes. It says no. Clearly I am still blessed with the ability to push through. I take nothing for granted. Bon Jovi concert here in Montréal might have been canceled this year, but his new hit single is playing over and over again in my mind. “When you can’t do what you do, you do what you can.” And that is the story in my head right now. I can do what I can.